Thursday, January 5, 2012

6-Month Catch Up

I suppose I've put this off long enough considering the blog hasn't been updated since June!! The last six months of our first year in GTMO proved to be as busy as the first.  All three of us were able to participate in activities we never had the time or opportunity to do back in the States.  Andy joined a softball team composed of co-workers from PWD (Public Works Dept.) and JTF (Joint Task Force) members.  They had a winning season, but lost the championship game.  People are very serious about their softball leagues around here.  The dedication to practice, focus and winning was amusing to me.  Some players viewed it as coming as close as they ever will be to playing in the Majors which included wearing knee high socks in various colors.  Andy became the team's third base coach and overall "cheerleader" at each game.  You could hear his voice booming morale-boosting one-liners all the way across the field.

Will has played every sport offered by the CYP (Children/Youth Program)--basketball, soccer, flag football, baseball.  And, I have had the pleasure of joining an all-female dodgeball team (Chicks with Balls).  We've played in two tournaments so far and haven't won one game yet. :)  Our best asset is our uniforms!  Each time we face all-male or co-ed teams made up of extremely fit active duty guys who throw bullets that are almost impossible to catch.  Despite our many defeats, we have a great time!

The fall season in GTMO is quite fun. Seasonal activities provided by MWR (Morale, Welfare, and Recreation) are non-stop.  We took a trip to Disney World in October with our nephew, Garrett.  In November we attended the Marine Corps Ball on Veterans Day.  It was nice to be so close to the ceremonial aspect of the national holiday as well as the rituals of the Marine Corps Ball itself.  Thanksgiving and Christmas were the highlights since we had both holiday dinners out at the beach.  Christmas activities included a parade in early December, a holiday church concert, school performances, tree lightings, and various parties.  We don't miss the snow.  We are perfectly fine wearing shorts and tank tops through the Christmas season.  We are just now getting a "cold front" in January where the highs are in the low to mid-70's! 

My private teaching load has increased considerably in the past couple of weeks.  Teaching at Columbia College has dwindled since the Academic Director left GTMO in November.  I had applied for the position, but it was not meant to be.  I've turned my focus to teaching private flute and piano lessons to all age groups.  I started out with 6-8 students in the summer, and I'm close to 25 now.  I enjoy it, and our first Student Recital is coming up in February.

That about sums up our first year in GTMO.  Stay tuned...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You just need to have Andy throw wrenches at your team for practice. "If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball." :)
